Wednesday, March 31, 2021


 As part of the subject association activity the social science optional conducted the program 'SPAW 2K21'on 31/03/2021.

Monday, March 29, 2021


 As part of the B.Ed curriculum the online assignment of optional subject PEDAGOGIC CONTENT KNOWLEDGE ANALYSIS_NATURAL SCIENCE ;EDU-05.9 is submitted and is valued by the teacher.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Expedition 2k21

 As part of the B.Ed curriculum the English optional conducted their subject association activity named 'EXPEDITION 2K21'on 26/03/2021.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Arts class

As part of the B.Ed curriculum 2020-2022 ,the arts class is conducted on 22/03/2021.The class is held by Ambareesh sir.He made many activities for reducing the stage fear of the students and talked about the ancient art forms.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Capacity building programme


As part of the B.Ed curriculum 2020-22 ,capacity building programme is conducted. For this the students are grouped into two groups. We are the second group and we perform a skit named ' Nerkazhcha'.I act the role of a' poovalan'

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

SEPW Class

 As part of the B.Ed curriculum 2021-22 ,MSW is conducted .Mrs.Haleema tr lead the class. Teacher trained the students for making flowers and flower waise.

Flowers and flower waise prepared by me.



As part of B.Ed curriculum' WOMEN'S DAY' celebration is conducted. Principal in charge Mrs.Deepthi Tr inaugurated the function 'Praphy 2k21' .Kavya Sundar from English optional performed a speech and also very nice programs are conducted. 

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Photography competition

 As part of 'AURORA 2K21' photography competition is conducted on the subject ' MINIMALISM' .I won the first prize and Sreethu from Mathematics won second prize .It is a pleasure experience.

Subject association activity- 04/03/2021

As part of the B.Ed curriculum 2020-22 ,the subject association activity is conducted by the Natural science optional, physical science optional and mathematics optional based on the National Science Day,World Wild Life Day and Pi Day.The programme is celebrated under the name 'AURORA 2k21'.The program is inaugurated by Mr.Saleena TR,head of physical science optional.

 As part of World Wild Life Day Mrs.Aswathy TR,head of natural Science optional planted  a peanut butter seedling
As part of Pi day celebration Mrs.Gopika TR cut a pi cake